Below are testimonials from some of B-D-R Transport drivers!


Steve Gomez, B-D-R Transport OTR Team Long Haul Driver

“This has been a good gig – it’s a great Company. The guys at B-D-R are great, it’s what’s kept me there all these years! Not only that, but the equipment is maintained well, and the Maintenance Team does a helluva good job. They are very calm and get right back to you when you call from the road with any problems.”

Steve Gomez has been driving for B-D-R Transport for nearly 15 years!  

When asked if there was something that stood out to him, on a personal level, that showed him the ‘family’ dynamic of working for B-D-R Transport, Steve choked up recalling a very emotional story.

I was on my way to the funeral of my dear friend, we were like family, he was being buried at Arlington Cemetery and was a Fighter Pilot in Vietnam. I left my house in Northern Vermont and my front bearing was going. There was no way I was going to miss going to this if I could help it. I needed it to be a truck because I was also picking up a plow. I pulled over and called Doug (previous B-D-R Owner/Vice President) and asked him if he knew of a rental company where I could get a truck. Without any hesitation, he said ‘Take Mine’…it was unbelievable…letting me use his personal truck…I get choked up thinking about it now. He just said, ‘Take Mine’ and I feel so grateful, that just meant everything to me.
— Steve Gomez, B-D-R Transport OTR Team Long Haul Driver

Suzan G. has been with BDR for roughly three and a half years. She started out as a team driver cross-country and the past three or four runs she has driven solo and loves it!


Listen to what local driver A.J. has to say about working for B-D-R Transport!